!['Your Shape Fitness Evolved :Mix of New year , New you and Bollywood Trailer [HD] TheMAGamez'](https://cdn-img01.wefitnessblog.com/images/47-m/579/579989.jpg)
'he DLCs \"New Year, New you\" and \"Bollywood\" are now available on XBOX 360 Kinect ! Extra programmes available for download on Xbox LIVE.\"New Year, New you\" combines cardio, toning and strength moves to give you a full body workout. \"Bollywood\" is a fun dance workout that will keep you smiling as you sweat. Visit official Site http://yourshapecenter.uk.ubi.com/ Subscribe for more on gaming.'
Tags: fitness , trailer , pc , ubisoft , dlc , Downloadable Content , wii , xbox 360 , Nintendo wii , New You , ubi , kinect , xbox kinect , Your Shape , your shape fitness evolved , TheMAGamez , magamez , MA-Gamez
See also: