'Zumba choreography to \'Lo Que Tienes Tu\' (Max Pizzolante) ZIN 69. Download the song on itunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/lo-que-tienes-t%C3%BA-single/id1241348566 Choreo from ZIN69 with Mariela. Filmed at Z Sweat Dance and Fitness (North Bethesda, MD, US). We hope you enjoy it! Remember to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zsweat/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zsweatmd/ Website: https://www.zsweat.com/ Disclaimer: No copyright infringement intended. For entertainment purposes only.'
Tags: fitness , ZUMBA , cumbia , choreography , choreo , tango , Max Pizzolante , lo que tienes tu , zin 69 , cumbia argentina , z sweat dance and fitness , mariela monterroso
See also: