Apr 13, 2023
'BoGo Day 2 specials are here and they are all about emotional support! Here is a quick video on how to use these two fantastic touch rollers. Enjoy! Learn more about my private health coaching services here: www.lauraricci.vpweb.com Get my Top 10 Surgery Recommendations here: http://lauraricci.vpweb.com/10-surgery-recommendations If you would like to learn more about essential oils feel free to join my free Facebook education group here: bit.ly/drlauraricci Follow me on Facebook: facebook.com/drlauraricci Follow me on Instagram: @drlauraricci New to doTERRA? You can email me at [email protected] for a complimentary 30-min virtual wellness consult to go over your health and wellness goals and how the oils can best support you. If you are ready to jump in and get started online, you can following these simple steps below: 1. Go to my website: www.mydoterra.com/lauraricci 2. Click Join & Save. 3. Choose Wholesale Customer. 4. Fill in your information. Make sure to enter my ID as your enroller: 1357760 5. Select the $35 intro packet for wholesale prices (SKU 60200277) and add today\'s BOGO SKU (60200151). The free Motivate will show up when you process your order. 6. Enter your payment info. After you place your order, I will receive an email confirmation and reach out to you via email to schedule your complimentary virtual welcome call to support you, and I will send you some goodies and a welcome package to help you get started.'
Tags: wellness , Health , doterra , doterra BOGO , dr. laura ricci bogo day 2 , dr. laura ricci doterra bogo specials
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