'In episode 4 of this 50 week series, Jeff Ritter shares a challenging golf fitness exercise to improve golf swing balance, footwork and ball striking efficiency. For hundreds of FREE videos, audio lesson and more visit www.mttperformance.com/blog today. Become A FREE SUBSCRIBER to MAKE THE TURN now! http://tinyurl.com/zdtxohu When reduced to its most basic essentials, you could say that playing great golf is comprised of one’s ability to use the eyes, hands and feet to produce the desired outcome for any golf shot. The eyes take in information, aid in decision making and help set the intention for play. The hands are the connection to the golf club acting as the primary movers of the shaft and controllers of the club face. The feet provide the connection to the turf and are responsible for supporting a powerful and rhythmic golf swing. A large portion of the golfing population has terrible footwork. Furthermore, being that humans have the luxury of standing on two feet, most aren’t aware of how terrible their balance really is, especially when hitting golf shots. Balance doesn’t only affect your ability to hit play great golf, it’s literally one of the most important skills related to living powerfully as you get older. This challenge is all about committing to doing the “little things” that add up to big results. If you’ve never been to a yoga class or done regular balance work, what seems like a simple task will be very frustrating at the outset. One of the cool things about this golf exercise is that you’ll quickly notice a huge difference in how much you can improve this skill. Work on your balance for a week, demonstrate to your friends and then have them give it a try. You’ll look like an Olympic gymnast compared to them as they struggle to stay upright! Prove that you have the ability to hold balance poses, as well as hit golf shots with proper foot action and you’ll own a valuable skill to elevate your game both on and off the course. Benefits: Improved Golf Swing Balance Proper Weight Placement During Golf Swing Correct Foot Action For Better Golf Shots Also Check Out: MAKE THE TURN \"TURN 10\" Workout: http://mttperformance.com/blog/turn-10-workout/ Follow Us @ MAKE THE TURN: http://mttperformance.com/ MAKE THE TURN Blog: http://mttperformance.com/blog/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/mttgolf Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/maketheturn Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mttgolf/ jeff ritter, make the turn, golf fitness, golf balance, golf practice, golf balance drills'
Tags: golf fitness , golf digest , golf balance , Golf Practice , jeff ritter , make the turn , weekly challenge , golf balance drills
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