'Does your lower back hurt after and during golf? You\'re not alone! Lower back pain is the most common injury in golfers of all levels. Today\'s golf fitness exercises will help you get relief and get rid of your golf related low back pain for good! #golf #golffitness #golfexercises ________________________________ Lower back pain is the most common injury in golfers. In most cases golf related lumbar pain comes from weakness and lack of mobility in key areas of the body that get irritated and stress during the golf swing. This week, Domenic Pompile from Vado Physical Therapy in Delray Beach FL is showing us his favorite exercises to fix and prevent lower back pain. Contact Domenic Pompile and follow him on social media in the links below: Website: https://www.vadotherapy.com/ Email: [email protected] Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vadophysicaltherapy/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/vadotherapy Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vadotherapy/ Exercises: 0:00 - Intro 0:31 - Meet Domenic 1:10 - Why does your lower back hurt after golf? 2:10 - Lower Back Pain Exercises 2:23 - Figure Four Stretch 3:11 - Glute Bridges 3:38 - Single Leg Glute Bridges 4:04 - Thoracic Rotations 4:45 - Prone Press-Ups ________________________________ Click the link below to get 15% off your own RUKKET SPORTS golf net! http://bit.ly/rukketsportsytfitgolfergirl TRAIN WITH THE FIT GOLFER GIRL! ONLINE AND IN PERSON GOLF FITNESS PROGRAMS AVAILABLE: http://www.fitgolfergirl.com/trainwithme/ GET YOUR FREE GOLF STRETCHING GUIDE HERE: http://www.fitgolfergirl.com/free-stretching-guide SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL! New Videos Every Monday! https://www.youtube.com/c/FitGolferGirl MORE GREAT GOLF FITNESS VIDEOS HERE: https://www.youtube.com/c/FitGolferGirl FOR MORE GREAT GOLF FITNESS TIPS CHECK OUT THE FIT GOLFER GIRL BLOG: www.fitgolfergirl.com FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fitgolfergirl/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fitgolfergirl/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/fitgolfergirl'
Tags: golf , golf fitness , fit golfer girl , LOW BACK PAin golf , lower back pain golf , golf stretches for lower back pain , lumbal pain golf , golf stretches for low back pain , lower back pain golf swing , low back pain golf swing , golf exercises back pain , golf stretches back pain , golf drills back pain , golf swing back pain , golf fitness back pain , glute exercises for lower back pain , lumbar pain after golf , lumbar stretches for golf , back stretches golf , stretches golf low back
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