'If you didn\'t have to work out would you? That\'s a tricky question. I once asked my class if you could get all the same benefits of the workouts, and even get the same feelings of well being without working out, would you workout? The answer was a pretty resounding YES! I probably would have to agree. Not because I don\'t enjoy working out...because I really do. I also get that many of you do not. It is not intrinsically within you to like to sweat, breathe hard, move dynamically and get uncomfortable. I can understand that. For me it is pretty intrinsic but it would be the amount of time I could gain each day if I didn\'t work out. Imagine what I could do with that extra time every day. I can even convince myself that the ministry would be growing so much faster. The excuses not to workout are loud for me as well. Thank God his perfect law that give me freedom won\'t let me fall for the bait. In reality it is never going to happen; the magic bullet is not going to be found. I am sure of it. Oh yes..a close substitute will be invented, but never a replacement for the real thing. And second, I would be trading in the time that I have learned over the years, of being taught by the holy Spirit, to spend time with God while I am in my thing places when working out. I have learned how to walk out the perfect law that gives freedom in my workouts. I pray these workOUTS and workINS are helping you find your perfect law that gives freedom. Otherwise, it\'s just another workout. And who really needs that?'
Tags: Workout , Weight loss , exercise , wellness , Health , time , love , God , Jesus , no excuses , freedom , Faith , peace , Hope , Spirit , holy , revelation wellness , revelation fitness , Magic Bullet , enjoy working out
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