'An excerpt from our Space routine. Full version available at: www.5-a-day.tv 5-a-day Fitness: THE Fun-Fitness resource for primary schools. 5-a-day Fitness is an online educational resource designed to improve fitness, boost concentration levels, and support language learning in primary schools. 5-a-day Fitness offers an impressive variety of high-energy low-impact five-minute fun fitness routines available in English, French, Spanish, and Welsh. All videos feature foreign language voiceovers with on-screen translations, and are designed specifically for projection onto classroom whiteboards. There\'s no teacher preparation required; pupils simply have fun, get fit, AND learn languages. 5-a-day Fitness also includes an online inter-school fitness competition. Schools can track pupils\' fitness improvement and compete online with other schools locally, nationally, and internationally.'
Tags: Fitness (Media Genre) , health (industry) , SpaceX (Spacecraft Manufacturer) , Space Station (Rocket Function) , Primary School (School Category) , elementary school , 5 a Day , Obesity (Disease Or Medical Condition)
See also: