'Back to The Gym - Glute and Leg Workout at Planet Fitness'

04:44 May 26, 2021
'Sooo it\'s been about 3 months since I went to the gym, but thankfully I already know how to get back the shape I want. This workout was short since I\'ve been out of it but they\'ll get better as I do :) also hopefully get better angles next time since I was by myself this time.  Smith Machine Squats (aim for 3x15) Smith Machine Lunges (3x15 per leg) Smith Machine Hip Thrusts (3x10 then 2x7 single legged) Hip Abductor (4x12) Leg Press (3x10)  Make sure to stretch before and after :)' 

Tags: fitness , Workout , gym , glute workout , beginner workout , beginner , squat , Planet fitness , Smith machine

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