Jun 23, 2021
'www.TheMMAForge.com We are going to keep it simple and use only three battle rope drills that you will repeat after each shadow box session. The shadow boxing is meant to be your active rest time. This is to help teach you to manage your energy outpit so you dont gas out too quickly. So control yourself and remind yourself that sometimes in a fight you just want to move your head a bit and create some distance, so treat the shadow boxing like you would a real fight. And as for the rope drills, this is where you need to go full on, 100% effort. Oh, and did I mention that the round is 15 minutes long with no breaks? No? Well it is. 1 round, 15 minutes 25 seconds battle ropes 2-arm small waves rope slams with plyometric lunge 2-arm waves with side shuffle 35 seconds shadow spar'
Tags: training , MMA , circuit , battle ropes , Rope (Sports Equipment) , shadowboxing
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