'Battle Ropes Demo'

'Battle Ropes Demo'
00:20 Jun 29, 2021
'Benefits: Unique full body strength and conditioning tool.  Set up: Battle Ropes should be secured by wrapping the rope around the bottom of a kettlebell rack.  EXERCISE DOUBLE SLAMS  Start Position: Feet shoulder width apart facing the kettlebell rack, soft knees, maintaining a neutral spine throughout the exercise  Movement: Keeping elbows inside the frame of the body slam ropes at the same time in a continuous motion lifting heels slightly off the floor for every slam  Avoid: leaning forward and bringing ropes above head level, elbows flaring out to the sides  EXERCISE ALTERNATING WAVES Start Position:  Feet shoulder width apart facing the kettlebell rack, soft knees, maintaining a neutral spine throughout the exercise   Movement: Keeping elbows inside the frame of the body slam ropes alternating one arm at a time in a simultaneous motion maintaining a squat position  Avoid: shrugging the shoulders and elbows flaring out to the sides  EXERCISE ROPE THROWS (Torso Rotation)  Starting position: Feet shoulder width apart facing the kettlebell rack, soft knees, maintaining a neutral spine throughout the exercise, holding the ropes in each hand underneath the rubber ends  Movement: Keeping elbows inside the frame of the body, pivot one leg and rotate hips to the left allowing your heel to rise up from the floor bringing ropes from right side to left side. Repeat on alternate side Avoid: shrugging the shoulders and elbows flaring out to the sides, keep movement controlled but continuous from right and left sides These exercises can be performed in a circuit format with a 1:2, work: rest ratio Example: 20 seconds work/40seconds rest  On your next visit to the Fitness Centre ask a BWG Fitness Staff for a demo of this exciting new piece of equipment!' 
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