'I\'m a big fan of Quarterly. I\'m also a big fan of Ben Greenfield. Here I unbox his first Quarterly box that he shipped out to people. The cost was 100$. See all the links to the products and his podcasts, etc below: https://quarterly.co/products/ben-greenfield Ben Greenfield Podcasts: Obstacle Dominator http://obstacledominator.com/category/podcast/ Ben Greenfield Fitness Podcast http://www.bengreenfieldfitness.com/podcasts/ Products: Organic Matcha http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00DDT116M Chaga http://storeus.foursigmafoods.com/collections/all/products/instant-chaga HIIT the Game http://strength.stack52.com/hiit-the-game/ Exos - Curcumin https://www.exosfuel.com/products/dp/curcumin-phytosome Aztec Seasalt http://jointhe.saltrevolution.com/now/?AFFID=187283&imt=1&utm_campaign=KMLongFormSalesGooglePPC&utm_source=Google&utm_medium=PPC&utm_content=longformsales&utm_term=aztec+seasalt My info: Twitter: EpicBeasts'
Tags: Unboxing , OCR , ben greenfield , Obstacle Course Racing , Quarterly , Rest after a hard workout
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