'In this video I share my raw thoughts on Shaun T\'s newest at home workout program, Cize. For a full breakdown: http://www.taracreel.com/cize-results-review-and-routine-previews/ Cize + Shakeology: http://teambeachbody.com/shop/-/shopping/BCPCZ160?referringRepId=168760 Cize: http://teambeachbody.com/shop/-/shopping/CIZEBase?referringRepId=168760 Twitter: Tarav Facebook: facebook.com/Taravcreel Pinterest: TaraCreel Instagram: TaraCreel Tumblr: www.TaraCreel.tumblr.com Snapchat: TaraCreel Website: www.TaraCreel.com Shakeology: www.myshakeology.com/TaraCreel Join my Fitness Team: www.beachbodycoach.com/TaraCreel ------------------------ Camera I use for filming: http://amzn.to/1zsoPCL PopSugar MUST HAVE Box: http://popsu.gr/uEKa Sigma Brushes: http://sigma-beauty.7eer.net/c/136969/146780/2835 For all business inquiries, please email [email protected] Leave all requests in the comment section of this video or on my twitter feed. Have a blessed day! Some above links are affiliate links. Opinions are always my own and I never work with a brand/affiliate that asks for positive reviews only.'
Tags: #fitness , fun workout , #health , hip hop , #motivation , cize , #makeup , #Weightloss , #inspiration , #fashion , #lifestyle , shaun t , dance workouts , #beauty , #haircare , shaun t cize , cize shaun t , #coach , #wellness , #longhair , #beachbody , #organization , #budgeting , #momonabudget , cize dance program
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