'In this video, I interview Dr. Harry Adelson (https://www.facebook.com/docereclinics/) about exosomes and an extremely cutting-edge procedure in terms of health, performance and longevity– the full body stem cell makeover (FBSCMO). Dr. Adelson decided to formally package FBSCMO for the biohacking crowd with the following train of thought: - Stem cells exist in all tissues, organs, and structures of the body. - Their role is to maintain the health of their microenvironment. - The Stem Cell Theory of Aging postulates that aging and degeneration is a result of sub-optimal stem cell function or depletion of stem cell population. In response to the Stem Cell Theory of Aging, the FBSCMO is intended to take stem cells from an area where we have a robust population (bone marrow and/or fat), supplement them with exosomes, and re-populate the entire spine and all the major peripheral joints. FBSCMO has not been scientifically proven to treat or prevent disease. It is a consensual act between adults and very much elective. The treatment I underwent combined bone marrow aspirate concentrate (BMAC) with exosomes. Although banked adipose cells might be superior as far as sheer number of cells, think of BMAC as “raw bone broth from your own body”. In addition to the stem cells, you get a rich soup of extra-cellular components such as collagen, hyaluronic acid, minerals, chondroitin/glucosamine, and more. After eight years of doing BMAC and SVF (adipose-derived stem cells), Dr. Adelson believes that BMAC contains valuable ingredients beyond just the stem cells and is worth using every treatment. What are exosomes? They are derived from culture-expand placental cells that are put in a stressful medium to make them think their host is under duress, thereby causing them to sprout a bunch of vesicles filled with growth factors (called exosomes) to come to the aid of their host. The exosomes are then harvested and used to get all the healing and cellular communication benefit of the active ingredients of culture-expanded placental cells, without actually using the placental cells. Dr. Adelson injected my spine from the base of the skull to the tailbone. In addition, he injected bilateral shoulders, elbows, wrists/hands, hips, knees, ankles/feet. If you want this procedure done for yourself, contact Dr. Harry Adelson at Docere Medical in Park City Utah (DocereClinics.com).'
Tags: Ben Greenfield Stem Cells , harry adelson , what are stem cells? , what are exosomes? , full body stem cell makover , exosome vs. stem cells , how to inject stem cells , stem cell surgery full body , dr. adelson , docere clinic , adelson stem cells , ben greenfield exosomes
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