'Bonus Episode: Brief Words Of Wisdom, Introspection & Insight From Ben Greenfield.'

17:24 May 14, 2021
'Listen to the full episode here https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/lifethoughts  Lately, I\'ve been thinking quite a bit about life. I\'ve been engaged in some deep introspection and self-inspection, which I think is healthy for everyone to do on a regular basis. In this case, I was forced into this exercise of self-examination, and into a state of extreme humbleness and ego dissolution when I failed to complete a recent event. See, during the Train to Hunt National Championships in Colorado, I came down with an extremely high heart rate, dizziness, extreme fatigue, and an inability to simply put one foot in front of the other. This was likely a combination of pushing myself too hard lately (in both work and travel), along with mild jet lag from having just returned from Europe, the 9700 foot altitude of the race that I hadn\'t had a chance to prepare for, and a cluster of other emotional factors (feeling guilty about being away from my kids again, missing my wife, feeling too distant from my company Kion) that basically left me dropping out of the race, and lying in my hotel room bed for about twelve hours, barely able to sleep, staring at the ceiling, and thinking generally about life. This is what I posted on Instagram about it. It wretched my heart to have to drop out of the Train To Hunt National Championships competition this weekend. Although I didn\'t wake up feeling 100% I never imagined I wouldn\'t make it through the day. I am a firm believer in the sage wisdom that \"Pain Is Temporary, But Quitting Lasts Forever\". And I’ve only ever had one DNF in my life. However, in this case in very high altitude and extreme heat, my body and brain were sending me every signal that I needed to hit the brakes hard - shortness of breath, very high heart rate, numb hands and feet, extreme dizziness - the works. Feeling like this, I made it through the first several hours of the competition, but realized at that point I needed to live to fight another day. I never like it when I can\'t \"represent\" on the field of battle the way I should be able to, but I know when I need to stop before I do lasting damage. Don’t worry, I’ll be back in action soon! A post shared by Ben Greenfield (@bengreenfieldfitness) on Jul 15, 2019 at 9:16pm PDT As I lay there with a journal, a bottle of water, and a plate of kiwi fruit (about all I could find that was healthy to eat in the local area), I had some interesting thoughts that I think you may find valuable for your own life, and give you deeper insight into where I\'m coming from, and where I plan to go in the future. Now one thing that you need to understand is that I\'m a fan of personality tests. It\'s something that we are actually very big on at Kion: everyone takes an Enneagram,and my personal Enneagram score puts me in a very, very high category of a what\'s called a Perfectionist (type 1)and an Achiever (type 3). That is a pretty dang dangerous one-two combo (or I suppose in this case, a one-three combo) because, as you can imagine, this causes me to expect a lot of myself in every task that I attempt to perform while simultaneously taking on a lot of tasks all at once. That\'s an exhausting combination that in many people can lead to burnout, into spinning too many plates at once, and into trying to do everything that you\'re doing (which is often too many things) perfectly. This means that you do everything with near-perfect precision but have zero time left over for relaxation, for hobbies, for family, or for self-care, or... ...perfection becomes impossible to sustain, projects begin to decline in quality, and all those plates you\'re spinning crash to the ground, then eventually you crash to the ground too. In addition, the Achiever personality type on the Enneagram dictates that one who fits that profile tends to try to be who others expect them to be, or at least who they think that others expect them to be. As a matter of fact, the direct quote from the Enneagram is that... ...\"in the headlong rush to achieve whatever they believe will make them that more valuable, Achievers can become so alienated from themselves that they no longer know what they truly want or what their real feelings are. Thus, the deeper problem is that their search for a way to be of value increasingly takes them further away from their own essential self with its core of real value. Step-by-step, their own inner core - their heart\'s desire - is left behind until they no longer recognize it.\" Now that problem, combined with the perfectionist mentality, can create a person who tries very, very hard to seek the approval of others, to be perfect, to try to be someone they\'re not and to neglect what makes them truly happy. And frankly, I feel like I\'ve begun to slip into that scenario myself. That\'s not to say it\'s wrongto want to achieve excellence in things. Nor is it to say it\'s wrongto want to achieve great things in life and create a lasting impact. Indeed, when steered in the right direction in a state' 
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