'How Ben hitting his muscle-building potential. (0:00) The paradoxical effect of what/when you eat on your gut for elite athletes. (5:05) Jessa’s famous sourdough bread. (8:10) The Greenfield’s are NOT helicopter parents. (9:05) Ben’s definition of attachment theory, how the way you are raised affects your relationships & MORE. (11:39) The importance of traditions and the greatest challenges faced, as a couple, by the way they were raised. (22:15) The idea of love and logic parenting. (28:31) Raising your children to have virtue and make their own mistakes. (35:40) How fatherhood has been devalued in modern societies. (43:20) Religion, the foundation that holds communities together. (49:40) From a scientific standpoint, what are the values of having a spiritual practice? (53:43) Why science doesn’t work if you have morality attached to it. (59:25) Busting the myths surrounding homeschooling/unschooling. (1:05:23) The value of saving/investing. (1:13:53) Speculating on the future of education. (1:19:15) Featured Guest Ben Greenfield Fitness (@bengreenfieldfitness) • Instagram instagram.com/bengreenfieldfitness Ben Greenfield https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/ Boundless Book https://boundlessbook.com/ Related Links/Products Mentioned July Promotion: MAPS Strong ½ off!! **Promo code “STRONG50” at checkout** http://www.mapsstrong.com/ How Blood Flow Restriction Training Works https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/podcast/fitness-podcasts/how-blood-flow-restriction-training-works/ Jessa\'s World-Famous Sourdough Bread https://www.instagram.com/p/CAEFf8pANPl/ The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts – Book by Gary Chapman https://amzn.to/32ykiIT Abide https://abide.co/ Love and Logic Institute, Inc https://www.loveandlogic.com/ Father Absence Statistics https://www.fatherhood.org/father-absence-statistic Bishop Barron Presents | Arthur Brooks: Love Your Enemies https://youtu.be/_UPvINiisdc Practicing gratitude may help lower blood pressure https://knowridge.com/2019/12/practicing-gratitude-may-help-lower-blood-pressure/ The Ultimate Guide To Unschooling: Top Tips To Create Free-Thinking, Resilient, Creative Young Humans Who Can Thrive In A Modern World. https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/article/lifestyle-articles/what-is-unschooling-2/ Go Greenfields https://gogreenfields.com/ Tuttle Twins Book Series https://amzn.to/3jmuA4E People Mentioned Jordan B. Peterson (@jordan.b.peterson) on Instagram instagram.com/jordan.b.peterson Bishop Robert Barron (@bishopbarron) • Instagram instagram.com/bishopbarron Arthur C. Brooks (@arthurbrooks) on Twitter instagram.com/arthurbrooks \"1340: Fatherhood, Parenting, Home Schooling & Religion with Ben & Jessa Greenfield\" CONNECT WITH US: INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/mindpumpmedia TWITTER: http://bit.ly/2vN1qpE FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/2vq95cd SHOP MIND PUMP: http://bit.ly/2uvQY6b PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP: http://bit.ly/2vuntia PODCAST: iTUNES - http://apple.co/2vMEPcA STITCHER - http://bit.ly/2hQSIAS'
Tags: Health , muscle , build muscle , strength training , weight training , MIND PUMP MEDIA , health & fitness , MIND PUMP , MIND PUMP PODCAST , parenting , fatherhood , unschooling , mptv , ben greenfield interview , mind pump radio , expert personal training , unschooling tips , what is unschooling , mind pump interview ben greenfield
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