'In the Fitness Culture app, during certain training blocks, we program days with extremely high rep sets to work on our muscular endurance. We actually get a lot of new members who are worried about strength loss because we hit them with this type of training right out the gate. If they stay the course they almost always hit PRs at the end of the training cycle. In our opinion working on muscular endurance sets the foundation to build on for any new training cycle. The better your endurance is the better chance you have to squeeze out those extra few reps during your heavier sets. In today’s trainer from the SWOLE program, we paired some high rep chest work with exercises for our upper back and external rotators of the shoulder. Adding these exercises to our chest day allows us to get in some quality work during our rest time without taking away from our performance in the main lifts for the day. It’s a great way to get the most bang for your buck and stay structurally balanced. Warm-Up Pass Throughs 2x20 Push-Ups w/Slider 2x5 each External Rotations 2x15 each Workout 1a. Bench Press 3x20 1b. Band Pull-Apart 3x20 Rest 90 seconds 2a. Neutral Grip Alternating DB Bench 3x15 each 2b. Facepulls - 3x15 Rest 90 3a. Incline Machine Press 3x20 3b. Single Arm Bent Over Cable Rear Delt Fly 3x15 each Rest 90 4a. Crossbody Decline Press 3x15 each 4b. Machine Rear Delt Fly 3x15 Rest 90 If you enjoyed this video please feel free to leave a like or comment, and share with your friends! Subscribe for more! Receive workouts, technique tips, and exclusive discounts right here → http://bit.ly/GetNotifiedFitnessCulture FITNESS CULTURE TRAINING → http://bit.ly/2MosUqF FOLLOW US → https://www.instagram.com/fitnessculturetraining https://www.facebook.com/fitcultprogramming/ https://www.instagram.com/jacobhutton1/ https://www.instagram.com/stevecook/ SUBSCRIBE → http://bit.ly/FitnessCultureSubscribe'
Tags: fitness culture , chest workout , athlete , power , Steve Cook , jacob hutton , swole , fitness programming , increase bench press , best bench workout , bench workout , chest workout for endurance , how to build endurance on chest
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