!['Is that a TF2 reference [Gmod/TF2/JoJo Animation]'](https://cdn-img01.wefitnessblog.com/images/47-m/125/1259719.jpg)
'==== this video was created before \"Sandwich shop\", so coments in the end is from \"Rebuild of heavy\" ====== this is entry for Daitomodachi\'s \"Bad Jojokes Collab\" #badjojokes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFwTkTt7hF4 also i have discor channel https://discord.gg/qwDN4a8 ржомба has been planted ====MUSIC USED==== taiga - STAND PROU JoJo\'s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders OST - Stardust Crusaders JoJo\'s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders - Virtuous Pope Death Note - (Writing Theme C) Jojo\'s Bizarre Adventure- Awaken Danger - 6:24'
Tags: animation , jojo , gmod , Garry's Mod , Jo Jo , Bad Jojokes Collab , team-fortress 2 , #badjojokes , badjojokes
See also: