'TATTOO ARTIST: Lisa at http://www.facebook.com/fantastytattooscolne SUPPLEMENTS http://www.icebergsupplements.com FEMALE INSPIRATION: http://www.lisettehoward.com/ Music: http://www.culverband.com The Second stage of Sleeve is done!! We added in a new rose and butterfly as well as some initial base shoulder capping detail! Still much more to come from this series but very impressed so far with what Lisa has achieved!! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE HERE: http://bit.ly/Sub2LexFitness WATCH MY TOP PLAYLIST HERE!: http://bit.ly/LexFitnessTopPlaylist INTERACT WITH ME HERE: INSTAGRAM @Lex_Fitness | http://www.instagram.com/Lex_Fitness TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/lexonidas CREWCast (My Podcast - New Episode EVERY Monday) iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/crewcast/id1285547324?mt=2 Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/lex-boombaby-griffin ● Gymshark GEAR: http://gym.sh/Shop-Lex-Griffin ● Online COACHINING/DIET Plans: http://www.LexFitness.co.uk ● DES!RE Clothing: http://www.DESIRE-BRAND.com About Lex Fitness: The truth about how to get in real shape! Plus a look at my life in the fitness world: The Travel, The Training, The Fans & THE CHALLENGES! TOGETHER WE RISE! DESIRE | INSPIRE | ACHIEVE LexFitness: TATTOO SLEEVE Series PART 2! Inked Art Aesthetics! For BodyPower 2013 | Lex Fitness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOz7ivVjspo Lex Fitness https://www.youtube.com/user/LexFitness'
Tags: fitness , abs , gym , diet , loss , weight , nutrition , Personal Training , body , muscle , transformation , fitness motivation , vlog , fitness transformation , ripped , britain , 2012 , Bodybuilder , healthy diet , zyzz , Boxing Workout , gymshark , twins , ogus , flexing , Posing , 10000 Calorie Challenge , creatine , Harley Davidson , Lex Griffin , Musclemania , Snipes , Lex Fitness , punching bag workout , shredding diet , punch bag workout , best pre workout , stretch mark removal , custom Harley davidson , Weightlifting (hobby)
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