'We\'ve been getting lots of requests on how to improve your front rack, so we go over 3 things to help you get a better front rack. Receive workouts, technique tips, and exclusive discounts right here → http://bit.ly/GetNotifiedFitnessCulture or http://bit.ly/FitnessCultureVIPYouTube. If you enjoyed this video please feel free to leave a like or comment, and share with your friends! Subscribe for more! FITNESS CULTURE TRAINING → http://bit.ly/2MosUqF FOLLOW US → https://www.instagram.com/fitnessculturetraining https://www.facebook.com/fitcultprogramming/ https://www.instagram.com/jacobhutton1/ https://www.instagram.com/stevecook/ SUBSCRIBE → http://bit.ly/FitnessCultureSubscribe'
Tags: fitness culture , athlete , power , Steve Cook , jacob hutton , swole , fitness programming , front squat , front rack , front rack mobility , front squat mobility
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