'Senior Fitness at home- Beginner HIIT Workout for Seniors This is a great low impact workout for beginners and seniors! Low impact HIIT workout, perfect for seniors to do at home. If you liked this video, don\'t forget to give it a THUMBS UP, LEAVE A COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE to my channel: youtube.com/c/ErinBlackburnFitness ▶ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/ErinBabyBeats/ ▶ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/erinblackburnfitness/?hl=en ▶ BOOKING: [email protected] ***** Erin Blackburn Fitness strongly recommends that you consult with your doctor or a medical professional before beginning any exercise program. If at any point during the program you begin to feel physical discomfort, stop immediately and consult a doctor or medical professional. Erin Blackburn Fitness is not responsible for any injuries you sustain from participating in this exercise program.'
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