'OMG you guys! The secret is out, I am featured in the makeup campaign for Trixie Cosmetics Bottle Blonde collection. The campaign was beautifully photographed by Jon Sams. I was so excited to do this and it nearly ended me trying to keep it a secret from you all. In this video I am recreating the gigantic beehives I made for us. Stay tuned and hear me expose the behind the scenes tea from Trixie\'s shoot. The Bottle Blonde collection drops Friday 10amPT 4/23. Outro montage music by my hot and talented music man @tylrcmpbll SAVE 20% OFF OF MANSCAPED WITH MY CODE \"JAYMES20\" http://www.manscaped.com PURCHASE MY STYLED WIGS BY ME, HERE! https://www.jaymesmansfieldbeauty.com MY WIG STYLING PLAYLIST HERE! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSt0ZzMOA6EIo68eQ-bz6WV5Q8k7NF994 GERARD COSMETICS! USE CODE \"JAYMES\" FOR 30% OFF http://bit.ly/2Xjzftw BOOK A PERSONALIZED VIDEO https://www.cameo.com/jaymesmansfield TIP A QUEEN ON VENMO: @JaymesMansfield https://venmo.com/jaymesmansfield PayPal: tipjaymesmansfield@gmail.com BUY MY SWEATER HERE! SHIRTS ARE AVAILABLE NOW https://www.dragqueenmerch.com/collections/jaymes-mansfield Bookings & Inquiries: bookjaymesmansfield@gmail.com Instagram: @JaymesMansfield Twitter: @JaymesMansfield Facebook.com/JaymesMansfield TikTok: @JaymesMansfield https://www.jaymesmansfieldbeauty.com #JAYMESMANSFIELD #TRIXIECOSMETICS #BOTTLEBLONDE'
Tags: makeup , transformation , Trixie Mattel , wig , trixie cosmetics , JAYMES MANSFIELD , big hair , wigs , beehive , Marie Antoinette , Hair Styling , bouffant , Ronettes , WIG RECRATION , CAGE WIG , B52S , BOTTLE BLONDE , BACK COMB
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